If you experience sluggishness, delay in responses to controls, or stuttering. Notice how the frame rate drops are in sync with the frame-time spikes. As I said, the frame rate only drops about 1-5 frames yet the stutter is very noticeable. Here is an example of what I'm experiencing: This is a 5 minute play session of CSGO.
These frame time spikes occur in both online/offline games.Hello, I'm posting this in order to find some help, I fully appreciate any kind of answer that relates to my problem, hopefully people with the same will find great help in this post.I have the latest drivers for the Wifi card. I'm on a 5Ghz wireless network and I have a high end ASUS RT-AC3200 router. However, when I first set it up I would get lag spikes and stuttering every five seconds, making it unplayable. I just bought a 2017 Surface Pro solely for playing games in bed through Steam and Moonlight game streaming.